Spells Per Day Tables Are a Lot of Work for Little Gain

Five Moons RPG

blue wizard

This is a thought exercise. There’s a TLDR at the bottom.

In the Pathfinder RPG Core Rulebook, the spells per day tables for spellcasting classes are a weird place in the game rules. You get X spells per day for each spell level, but there’s a separate table (in a different chapter) to determine how many extra spells per day you get for having a high ability score.

(Update September 23, 2014: If you like this post and where these ideas are going, please check out the kickstarter for my Five Moons RPG, which uses these ideas. Thanks!)

It’s set up that way because you might have a character who doesn’t meet the ability score minimums for certain levels of spellcasting, . For example, a level 5 wizard with Int 11 has access to 3rd-level spell slots, but can’t actually prepare 3rd-level spells in those…

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